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Nach Indikationen geordnet können Sie über die Navigation Artikel aus der weltweiten Fachliteratur zum Thema Gastroenterologie screenen und gleich online bestellen. Die Quelle ist PubMed. Alternativ können Sie in der Suche links oben mit Ihren eigenen keywords in der ganzen PubMed suchen.

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   Artikel 1 - 20 / 805351  
Lenvatinib and tislelizumab versus atezolizumab and bevacizumab in combination with TAE-HAIC for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma with high tumor burden: a multicenter retrospective cohort study.
Cancer Immunol Immunother
Cai H, Chen S, Tang S, Xiao Y, Shi F, Wu Z, Ma P, Chen H, Zhuang W, Guo W.
PMID: 39891746 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Enhanced diagnostic accuracy of SINE-EUS compared to standard EUS in early colorectal cancer: a self-controlled study.
Int J Colorectal Dis
Zhao JH, Rong AM, Wu HL, Chang N, Jiang YY, Li KK, Liang QP.
PMID: 39891742 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Interventional factors influencing natural killer cell immunity in colorectal cancer: a systematic review.
Cancer Immunol Immunother
Soh WS, Burns GL, Senanayake T, Cameron R, Duncanson K, Eslick GD, Prasad SS, Smith SR, Keely S.
PMID: 39891716 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Effect of RAS mutations and related immune characteristics on the prognosis of patients with MSI-H/dMMR colorectal cancer.
Cancer Immunol Immunother
Jiang Y, Liu Y, Huang H, Zhao T, Zhao Z, Gao Y.
PMID: 39891700 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

New era, new GOALs: cardiovascular screening and lipid management in cystic fibrosis.
Ther Adv Respir Dis
Despotes KA, Ceppe AS, Goralski JL, Donaldson SH.
PMID: 39891563 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Radiological Findings for Distinguishing Between Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis and Gallbladder Cancer.
Arch Iran Med
Bozer A, Durgun N.
PMID: 39891455 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Preoperative stereotactic radiotherapy to prevent pancreatic fistula in high-risk patients undergoing pancreatoduodenectomy (FIBROPANC): prospective multicentre phase II single-arm trial.
Br J Surg
Wismans LV, Hendriks TE, Suurmeijer JA, Nuyttens JJ, Bruynzeel AM, Intven MP, van Driel LM, Haen R, de Wilde RF, Groot Koerkamp B, Busch OR, Stoker J, Verheij J, Farina A, de Boer OJ, Doukas M, de Hingh IH, Lips DJ, van der Harst E, van Tienhoven G, van Eijck CH, Besselink MG, Dutch Pancreatic Cancer Group.
PMID: 39891429 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

The Influence of a Dementia Diagnosis on Clinical Decision-Making in Dysphagia Management.
Int J Geriatr Psychiatry
Van Sickle AJ, Bice EM.
PMID: 39891320 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Diagnostic accuracy of systemic immune-inflammation index for acute appendicitis in the geriatric population.
Eur J Med Res
Ayd, Tatl.
PMID: 39891288 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Survival outcome prediction of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma patients based on radiomics and mutation signature.
Cancer Imaging
Yan T, Yan Z, Chen G, Xu S, Wu C, Zhou Q, Wang G, Li Y, Jia M, Zhuang X, Yang J, Liu L, Wang L, Wu Q, Wang B, Yan T.
PMID: 39891186 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Quantitative proteomic studies of the intestinal mucosa provide new insights into the molecular mechanism of ulcerative colitis.
BMC Gastroenterol
Guo Y, Pabitra D, Pan L, Gong L, Li A, Liu S, Xiong J.
PMID: 39891110 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Molecular and serological investigation of hepatitis B virus in patients with acute undifferentiated febrile illness at Tha Song Yang hospital, Tak Province, Thailand.
BMC Infect Dis
Thippornchai N, Sae-Oueng A, Jittmittraphap A, Nguitragool W, Leaungwutiwong P.
PMID: 39891087 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Identification of multiple complications as independent risk factors associated with 1-, 3-, and 5-year mortality in hepatitis B-associated cirrhosis patients.
BMC Infect Dis
Shen D, Sha L, Yang L, Gu X.
PMID: 39891059 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Which scoring systems are useful for predicting the prognosis of lower gastrointestinal bleeding? Old and new.
BMC Gastroenterol
Jeong KB, Moon HS, In KR, Kang SH, Sung JK, Jeong HY.
PMID: 39891040 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Thirty-year compliance with a surveillance program for patients with familial adenomatous polyposis.
Fam Cancer
de Langavant BC, Lefèvre JH, Metras J, Dardenne A, O'Connell LV, Collard M, Parc Y.
PMID: 39890667 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Gastric neuroendocrine tumour manifesting as abdominal pain in systemic lupus erythematosus.
BMJ Case Rep
Chithrabhanu A, Rajamurugan A, Subramanian R, Lakshmi J D.
PMID: 39890417 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Uncommon presentation of gastrointestinal tuberculosis-A case series.
Indian J Tuberc
Dixit S, Verma AK, Bajpai J, Kant S, Jaiswal R, Singh A.
PMID: 39890363 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Ex Vivo Endocytoscopic Evaluation of Pancreatobiliary Cancers: A Step Toward Real-time In Vivo Diagnosis.
Anticancer Res
Sasamoto S, Aoki T, Tashiro Y, Matsuda K, Yamazaki T, Yamaue H, Ohara J, Homma M, Takimoto M, Yamochi T.
PMID: 39890203 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Adjusting Treatment Strategies Using Circulating Tumor Cells: Preliminary Results on Metastatic Colorectal Cancer.
Anticancer Res
Drevs J, Malhotra MS, Sahinbas H, Iliopoulos A, Beis G, Apostolou P, Papasotiriou I.
PMID: 39890201 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Peak-postoperative Serum Transaminases Correlate With Post-hepatectomy Liver Failure and Inflow Occlusion After Laparoscopic Liver Resection.
Anticancer Res
Kamiya H, Imamura T, Ikoma H, Morimura R, Yamamoto Y, Kiuchi J, Nanishi K, Shimizu H, Arita T, Konishi H, Shiozaki A, Kubota T, Fujiwara H, Otsuji E.
PMID: 39890199 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

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